Sep 1, 2024, 08:47 AM IST

8 stunning images shared by NASA Spitzer Space Telescope

Pravrajya Suruchi

Zeta Ophiuchi: Spitzer's image reveals the profound influence of Zeta Ophiuchi on nearby dust clouds.

Rosette Nebula: Spitzer's capture of turbulent star formation in distant Monoceros constellation.

Sombrero Galaxy Spitzer's infrared observation focuses on the iconic Messier 104, the Sombrero galaxy.

Giant Yellow Balls: Spitzer's image showcases colossal yellow spheres dwarfing our solar system.

Starry Core: Spitzer's infrared view reveals dense star cluster in Milky Way's core.

M100 Galaxy: Spitzer's image showcases M100's grand design spiral structure in stunning detail.

Pinwheel Galaxy: NASA's composite reveals M101's stellar variety in Ursa Major.

Messier 94 (NGC 4736): Spitzer's capture of Messier 94 reveals a singular galactic wonder.

This information has been obtained from NASA's official website