Oct 22, 2024, 08:15 PM IST

Top 10 Smelliest Animals with bad body odour

Pravrajya Suruchi

Skunk Skunks are famous for their foul-smelling spray, which they use as a defense mechanism. The spray contains sulfur compounds that produce a strong, rotten egg-like odor.

Wolverine Known as the "skunk bear," wolverines release a musky scent from their anal glands, which they use to mark their territory. The smell is so potent that it can deter predators.

Tasmanian Devil These marsupials emit a strong, musky odor when threatened. The smell comes from glands located near their tails and can be quite overpowering.

Stinkbug Stinkbugs release a foul-smelling liquid from glands on their abdomen when disturbed. The odor is described as a mix of rotting vegetables and chemicals.

Musk Ox The musk ox produces a strong musky odor during mating season. The smell, used to attract females, is emitted from glands located near their eyes.

Hyena Hyenas secrete a pungent liquid from glands under their tails. This liquid, called "paste," is used to mark their territory and has a strong, rancid smell.

Bombardier Beetle This beetle can spray a hot, noxious chemical from its abdomen as a defense mechanism. The mixture includes chemicals like hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, creating a foul smell.

Sea Hare Sea hares, a type of marine mollusk, release a purple ink-like substance with a strong, unpleasant odor when threatened. The smell deters predators.

Hoatzin This bird, native to South America, is known as the "stinkbird" because of its manure-like odor. The smell is due to the bird's digestive process, which involves fermenting plant material.

Zorilla (Striped Polecat) Zorillas are considered one of the smelliest mammals, emitting a foul odor from their anal glands as a defense tactic. The smell is even stronger than that of skunks.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports