Oct 4, 2023, 12:56 PM IST

Top 5 deadly snakes found in Goa

Mahipal Chouhan

Common Venomous Snakes: The two most common venomous snakes found in Goa are the Indian Spectacled Cobra (Naja naja) and the Common Krait (Bungarus caeruleus). These snakes are highly venomous and can pose a significant threat to humans.

Cobra: The Indian Spectacled Cobra is known for its distinctive spectacle-shaped markings on its hood. It is responsible for the majority of snakebite fatalities in India and is found in various habitats in Goa, including forests, agricultural areas, and urban areas.

Common Krait: The Common Krait is another highly venomous snake found in Goa. It is usually nocturnal and is known for its shiny black or bluish-black body with white bands. Krait bites can be particularly dangerous as their venom can cause paralysis and respiratory failure.

Russell's Viper: While less common than cobras and kraits, the Russell's Viper (Daboia russelii) can also be found in parts of Goa. This viper is responsible for a significant number of snakebite incidents in India and can deliver a potent cytotoxic venom.

Hump-nosed Pit Viper: This is a venomous pit viper species found in the Western Ghats, including Goa. It is characterized by its distinctive hump-like nose and typically has a green or brown coloration. Bites from this snake can cause severe local tissue damage.

Bamboo Pit Viper: The Bamboo Pit Viper (Trimeresurus gramineus) is another venomous pit viper found in Goa's forests. It is usually green or yellow in color and is known for its camouflaged appearance. While its venom is not as potent as some other snakes, it can still cause significant harm.

Snakebite Awareness: It is crucial for residents and tourists in Goa to be aware of the potential risks associated with venomous snakes and to take precautions when walking in natural areas or engaging in outdoor activities. Avoiding provocation and seeking immediate medical attention in case of a snakebite is essential.

Conservation: Some of these venomous snake species, like the Indian Spectacled Cobra, are protected by law, and conserving their habitats is essential for maintaining the region's biodiversity.