May 8, 2024, 04:45 PM IST

Top milk producing states in India

Pravrajya Suruchi

Uttar Pradesh: The leader of the pack, boasting the highest milk production in India.

Rajasthan: The land of kings also reigns supreme in milk production, known for its Tharparker cattle breed.

Madhya Pradesh: A central Indian state emerging as a major milk producer, known for its buffalo milk.

Gujarat: Home to the Amul brand and its cooperative dairy network, Gujarat is a powerhouse of milk production.

Andhra Pradesh: A rising star in milk production, Andhra Pradesh is known for its dairy breeds like Ongole.


Maharashtra: A land of diverse agriculture, Maharashtra contributes significantly to milk production with its well-developed dairy industry.

Haryana: Renowned for its Murrah buffalo breed, Haryana is a prominent milk producer with a rich dairy tradition.

Bihar: This state is making strides in milk production, with a focus on improving farmer incomes and infrastructure.

Karnataka: The "Garden State" of India is also a notable milk producer, known for its indigenous breeds like Hallikar.