Aug 21, 2024, 10:28 PM IST

Unusual animals that people keep at home

Shweta Singh

The largest rodent in the world, capybaras are social, semi-aquatic mammals that require a lot of space and water.


Known for their large ears and small size, fennec foxes are adapted to desert environments and are quite playful but require specific care.

Fennec Fox

These small, nocturnal marsupials have a membrane that allows them to glide between trees and are popular for their affectionate nature.

Sugar Glider

Also known as the "honey bear," kinkajous are arboreal mammals with a prehensile tail, making them good climbers and playful pets.


A type of salamander, axolotls are known for their regenerative abilities and unique appearance, with external gills and a wide, smiling face.


A wild cat native to Africa, servals have long legs and large ears. They are known for their agility and are often kept by those with experience in exotic pet care.


While not everyone’s idea of a pet, tarantulas are popular among arachnid enthusiasts for their low maintenance and fascinating behaviors.


Small and spiky, hedgehogs are nocturnal and can be quite friendly when properly socialized, though they require specific habitat conditions.
