Jul 26, 2024, 08:32 PM IST

Which Mughal emperor was called 'Zinda Peer'?

Shweta Singh

Aurangzeb was known for his devout Islamic faith. He led a simple and austere life, often avoiding the luxuries associated with his royal status.

He was diligent in performing his daily prayers and other religious duties. His commitment to Islamic rituals and personal piety was well-known and respected.

Aurangzeb took several measures to promote Islam during his reign. He reintroduced the jizya tax on non-Muslims, banned the consumption of alcohol and gambling, and implemented Islamic laws more strictly.

He was a patron of Islamic scholars and commissioned the compilation of the Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, a comprehensive digest of Islamic law.

Aurangzeb is said to have lived frugally, sewing his own caps and writing copies of the Quran to earn his livelihood, setting an example of modesty and humility.

He aimed to administer the empire according to Islamic principles, emphasizing justice and moral conduct. His governance was deeply influenced by his religious beliefs.

His devout nature earned him the respect of many contemporaries who viewed him as a saintly figure. This perception contributed to his title of 'Zinda Peer.'

Despite his piety, Aurangzeb's policies and actions, such as the destruction of Hindu temples and the suppression of cultural practices, were controversial and led to mixed opinions about his legacy. However, his personal devotion to Islam remained undisputed.