Jul 11, 2024, 05:17 PM IST

World's first city where non-veg is illegal

Pravrajya Suruchi

Location: Palitana, a mountainous city, is nestled in Gujarat, India.

Religious Significance: It's considered the holiest pilgrimage site for Jains, a religion that emphasizes non-violence and reverence for all living beings.

Vegetarian City: The most unique aspect of Palitana is its complete vegetarian status. Selling or consuming meat and eggs is strictly prohibited within the city limits.

Historical Roots: While the exact date is unknown, the ban on animal slaughter is believed to have originated from a hunger strike by Jain monks in 2014.

Jain Beliefs: Ahimsa, the principle of non-violence, is a core Jain belief. This extends to respecting all creatures, making vegetarianism a central tenet of their faith.

Temple City: Palitana boasts over 900 Jain temples, most notably the magnificent Adinath Temple, reachable by climbing a daunting 3,950 steps.

Economic Impact: Vegetarian restaurants and shops thrive in Palitana, catering to pilgrims and tourists who respect the city's traditions.

Economic Impact: Vegetarian restaurants and shops thrive in Palitana, catering to pilgrims and tourists who respect the city's traditions.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports