Dec 27, 2023, 05:00 PM IST

8 most intelligent creatures on Earth

Khushi Patel

The process of judging a creature's intellect can be arbitrary and frequently depends on several factors and situations. On the other hand, a few species are renowned for their exceptional cognitive capacities, ability to solve problems, and sophisticated social behaviors

Known for their sophisticated cognitive functions, intricate problem-solving techniques, and capacity for abstract thought, humans are regarded as the most intelligent animals on the earth


Tool usage, social learning, sign language communication, problem solving, and tool use are all demonstrated by chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans

Great Apes

Distinguished by their sophisticated problem-solving skills, social behaviour, and communication abilities, dolphins exhibit intricate social systems and the capacity for self-awareness


Distinguished by their sophisticated problem-solving skills, social behaviour, and communication abilities, dolphins exhibit intricate social systems and the capacity for self-awareness


Among the most sophisticated invertebrates, octopuses are known for their sophisticated behaviours, remarkable problem-solving abilities, and capacity for observational learning


Corvids, which include ravens and crows, are renowned for their sophisticated social structures, intellect, tool use, and problem-solving skills

Ravens and Crows

Parrots have remarkable cognitive skills, such as the capacity for sophisticated vocal communication, problem-solving, and speech and sound imitation


Among dog breeds, Border Collies are well-known for their remarkable trainability, high level of intellect, aptitude for solving problems, and comprehension of challenging orders

Border Collies