Jul 18, 2023, 03:53 PM IST

Most expensive vegetable in the world costs around Rs 85,000 per kg


Well, nature has given us food for which we are thankful for, but one would hardly expect that nature’s this particular vegetable would be worth paying around Rs 85,000.

Yes, you read it right. This particular vegetable called “Hop shoots” is the world’s most expensive vegetable. Hop shoots are green coloured conical shaped flowers of female hop plants that will cost you between Rs 85,000 to Rs1,00,000 per kg in the international market.

Why are they so expensive? One of the biggest reasons for Hop shoots to be expensive is because it requires a lot of hard labour work in order to grow and harvest them.

Hop shoots fruit, stems and blossoms are majorly used for the manufacturing of beer. They also have a demand for being used for antibiotics and medicinal purposes.

Hop shoots have several health benefits as well.

Hop shoots are good for skin as they support the treatment of skin inflammation. They are also extremely effective in preventing hair fall and dandruff.

Hops contain some healing powers which help treat symptoms like anxiety, stress, nervousness, sleep disorders and ADHD.