Nov 7, 2023, 04:07 PM IST

Most religious countries in the world

Deepika Shakya


Israel is a highly religious country, with a significant Jewish population

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam, and it is home to the two holiest cities in Islam, Mecca and Medina. The country enforces strict Islamic law and has a deeply religious society


India is a diverse country with rich in cultures and religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and more. It has a significant religious population with a wide range of beliefs


The population of iran is mostly Muslim, with the majority following Shia Islam. Religion plays a significant role in daily life, and the country is known for its religious traditions and practices

United Arab Emirates

The UAE is home to a diverse population, with Islam being the dominant religion


Qatar is an Islamic state with a Muslim population. Islam is a fundamental part of the country's culture and daily life


Egypt has a long history of religious significance, particularly in the context of ancient Egyptian religion, Christianity, and Islam