A British binge drinker, who used to guzzle down seven litres of cider and three bottles of wine a day, has confessed she is just a drink away from landing in the grave.Jess Deelay, from Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England, who turned alcoholic at 15 and has fallen into coma twice, now suffers from half-damaged pancreas and abcesses on her liver due to her drinking spree."My hair has fallen out in clumps and I'm on morphine because I'm in so much pain. I know if I have one more drink I will be dead," News of the World quoted her as saying.The 22-year-old added: "A bottle of cider is cheaper than a bag of chips. There are ten-year-olds drinking in the street round here. But alcohol has ruined my life. I'm going to spend the rest of my days in and out of hospital."