The issue of granting an extension in service to Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani is Pakistan's internal matter and a decision will be made when the time comes, Pakistani prime minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said."The extension in the term of the army chief is our own matter and a decision in this regard will be taken when the time arrives," Gilani told reporters on the sidelines of an official function yesterday. Kayani too was present at the event.Kayani is set to retire in November this year and there has been considerable speculation in political and diplomatic circles on whether the Pakistan People's Party-led government will grant him an extension.Asked about launching of a military operation against the Taliban in North Waziristan tribal region, Gilani said the campaign would be started after assessing the situation.Kayani told reporters that the military leadership will make a decision about starting the operation in North Waziristan agency."The decision as to when and how the military operation should be launched in North Waziristan will be taken by the military leadership keeping in view the national interests," he said.Gilani said there would be an increase in the defence budget in the coming fiscal year. The figure will be disclosed at the time of the announcement of the next budget."We do not take dictation," he said.The salaries of the armed forces had already been increased, Gilani said.Pakistan will receive the second instalment of reimbursements for its expenses on the war on terror from the US Coalition Support Fund before the announcement of the upcoming budget, he added. The government is committed to safeguarding the frontiers of Pakistan and protecting the people from external and internal dangers, Gilani said."The completion of the military action (against militants) within a record time and orderly rehabilitation of more than 2.5 million Internally Displaced People (IDP) won accolades for the government, armed forces, security agencies and civil administration from Pakistan and abroad," he said. The success of anti-militancy operations in Swat and Malakand division showed that a "handful of terrorists and extremists could not muzzle the voice of the majority," he said."They cannot impose their conservative agenda if the people are resilient and ready to pay any price to protect their future," Gilani added.The terrorists struck at will and attempted to challenge the writ of the government and there was a near collapse of the government's writ in areas like Swat and Malakand division, he noted."Had the terrorists not been checked through effective military action, they would have tried to bring other areas of Pakistan under their influence," he said.Military action was a matter of last resort as it entails collateral damage and causes displacement of people, he said."The government tried to find a negotiated settlement of the issue despite a very strong opposition and allegations of surrendering to the terrorists," he said.