Japan Premier Shinzo Abe on Monday said that he was deeply touched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s warm words wishing him a speedy recovery.



"I am deeply touched by your warm words, Prime Minister @narendramodi. I wish you all the best and hope our partnership will be further enhanced," Shinzo Abe said in a tweet.


On August 28, PM Modi had tweeted to wish a speedy recovery for Abe."Pained to hear about your ill health, my dear friend @AbeShinzo. In recent years, with your wise leadership and personal commitment, the India-Japan partnership has become deeper and stronger than ever before. I wish and pray for your speedy recovery," PM Modi had said in his tweet.


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan’s longest-serving premier, said on August 28 that he was resigning because of poor health, ending a stint at the helm of the world’s third-biggest economy during which he sought to revive growth and bolster its defences.


“I cannot be prime minister if I cannot make the best decisions for the people. I have decided to step down from my post,” Abe, 65, told a news conference.

Abe has battled the disease ulcerative colitis for years and two recent hospital visits within a week had fanned questions on whether he could stay in the job until the end of his term as ruling party leader, and hence, premier, in September 2021.