Recent police riots in which Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa was teargassed, roughed up and trapped in a hospital for hours by officers angry over bonus cuts has been turned into a music video.                                             
Correa, in a television address on Saturday, unveiled the video, which is set to the music of "Hey Jude" by the Beatles. It intercuts news footage of the Sept. 30 unrest with singers crooning passionately about Correa's "Citizens'' Revolution."                         
"Today, we are all the revolution," says lyrics interposed on the familiar tune, which is interrupted at one point by an elderly woman filmed during the unrest who shouts, "We don't want any more aggression! We love our president!"                                             
As the music crescendos, Correa is seen triumphantly returning to the presidential palace. Members of the live audience at the presidential palace, where his regular Saturday TV address was delivered, were left in tears after the screening.                             
Calm has returned to this oil-producing South American country as Correa vows to hunt down and punish the police officers who were involved in the violence.                                            He described the unrest as an attempt to topple his three-year-old leftist government and vowed to press ahead with policies aimed at helping the poor and giving the state more control over Ecuador's key commodities sector.