Two low-intensity blasts occurred near a popular cafe in Lahore today, at a time when a musical performance was underway, injuring nine people including relatives of justice (retired) Rana Bhagwandas."Two low-intensity devices went off outside a wall of the museum of Peeru's Cafe in Raiwind," superintendent of police (SP) Rana Mansoorul Haq said. Faizan Peerzada, a director of the theatre group that operates the cafe, told PTI the two devices exploded within 20 minutes of each other.Peeru's Cafe is part of the Rafi Peer theatre group's complex on Raiwind Road and the organisation's weekly 'qawwali' programme and a ghazal programme was underway at the time of the blasts.SP Haq said the motive behind the blasts seemed to be to terrorise people attending such musical shows. Former Supreme Court judge Rana Bhagwandas, who now heads the Federal Public Service Commission, was attending the musical performance with member of his family.He escaped unhurt but media reports said two of his relatives sustained minor injuries. Peerzada said, "Thanks god, justice Bhagwandas remained safe. It was a terror attack but we will not be terrorised".The blasts damaged the wall of the cafe and smashed the windows of nearby buildings.Rescue workers evacuated the cafe after the explosions while the bomb disposal squad searched the area. Several cinema halls and theatres in Lahore were targeted with low-intensity bombs in a similar manner some time ago toterrorise visitors. "The hardliners want us to close such activities," Peerzada said.