Five things about Sarah Palin you never knew

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While much has been discussed about Sarah Palin's book , there are facets of her life mentioned in the tome that have not yet been unravelled to the public.

While much has been discussed about Sarah Palin's book Going Rogue', there are facets of her life mentioned in the tome that have not yet been unravelled to the public.

The book has some less-noticed details about Alaska politics and family life, reports the Christian Science Monitor.

Here are five Going Rogue tidbits that nobody has heard about until now:

1. Once as a teenager, Sarah Heath (her maiden name) was sitting at the dinner table when her father (a teacher as well as her basketball coach) noticed some ink marks on her hand and thought it was a boy’s name.

“You have a choice between boys and sports. You’re at the age where I start losing my good athletes because they start liking boys. You can’t have both,” Palin’s father told her.

Palin wrote in the book that she stood up, went over to the sink, and washed the name off her hand, because she felt it was fine for her father to set such high expectations.

2. However, in high school Sarah started going out with Todd Palin, but despite familial approval of the relationship, she was banned from calling him from their single phone line. But the love struck couple discovered that if they stood on their respective back porches they could talk to each other on the VHF radios he used on his fishing boat in the summer.

They talked that way for months ?" until they discovered that the commercial trucks barrelling through towns could hear them.

3. Sarah Palin’s oldest child is named Track because he was born during the spring track season. But he hates his name.
4. In her book, the former Vice Presidential candidate has revealed that in 2002, Republican Sen. Frank Murkowski of Alaska ran for the state’s governorship, and won. She was one of the contenders for the Senate term. 

But while interviewing her, Murkoski started talking about how tough the job of senator would be on her family and kids. And later, instead of her he gave the job to his daughter, Lisa ?" who also happened to be a mom with young children.

5.  While contending as John McCain’s running mate, she and her daughters for the first time stayed in a hotel where there was a flat-screen TV inside the bathroom mirror, they were impressed.

“That drew cries of ‘Way cool!’ from my girls,” wrote Palin in the book.

But on Sept. 1, 2008, Palin was standing in front of this mirror, watching the news as she brushed her teeth, when a crawl scrolled across the bottom, breaking the news that her daughter Bristol was pregnant.

“I nearly gagged on my toothbrush,” she wrote.