Maldives today vowed not to allow its territory to be used for terrorist activities against its neighbours as reports surfaced that Pakistan-based LeT is eyeing isolated islands in the archipelago to be used as bases."The Maldives will not allow terrorists to operate in the country. We will not allow terrorists to put the Maldives' and our neighbours' peace and security at risk," presidential Spokesman Mohamed Zuhair told PTI from Male.The assurance came a day after Maldives' minister of home affairs Mohamed Shihab held a nearly an hour-long meeting with his Indian counterpart P Chidambaram during which the two decided to upgrade their cooperation on security matters.India will soon ink an agreement with its southern neighbour to combat terror threats jointly. A Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on anti-terror measures and information sharing will be signed by the two countries by April, according to officials.The move by India and Maldives to address threats emanating from terror groups like LeT bears significance in view of reports that Lashkar-e-Taiba, that was responsible for the Mumbai terror attack, has been trying to make Maldives a hub to take advantage of its geographical location and isolated and sparsely populated islands.Indian government is also reportedly worried about the efforts of Pakistan-based terror groups to recruit jehadis from Maldives. India is already helping Maldives by regularly patrolling its territorial waters and there is also a plan underway to set up a network of ground radars in all its atolls.Defence minister AK Antony had visited Maldives in August last year. During his visit, Antony had expressed confidence that the defence forces of the two countries would continue to work closely together to ensure a peaceful maritime environment in the seas.This will be achieved through joint mechanisms to effectively challenge the common scourge of terrorism, drug trafficking and piracy, it was agreed. Maldives, a favourite tourist destination, is endowed with has a chain of 1192 coral and white sand islands.