BEIJING: The six-party multilateral talks on peacefully dismantling North Korea's nuclear assets on Monday resumed with all sides agreeing to resolve the diplomatic standoff in line with the principle of action-to-action.

The chief negotiators of the six parties made key-note speeches on the plenary session, and elaborated their respective stance on implementing the joint statement adopted by all parties during the fourth round of talks in September 2005, Chinese Foreign Ministry sources said.

The delegation heads from the United States, North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan and Russia, who gathered at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse after a year-long hiatus, also suggested relevant proposals and ideas in their speeches.

Wu Dawei, Chinese chief negotiator and vice foreign minister, said the September 19, 2005 Joint Statement issued by the six parties has gleaned the consensus of all parties, and is a political declaration for the goal of denuclearisation as well as a guiding document that should be observed by all parties.

The topic for the second stage of the fifth round of six-party talks on Monday focused on how to concretely implement the Joint Statement in line with the action-to-action principle, he said.

Chief negotiators of the six-party talks on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue gathered at this morning, initiating a new round of negotiation on the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Wu appreciated the constructive efforts the six parties and their respective government have made for the resumption of the talks.

"The talks are of vital importance that bridge the past and the future," he said.

"The current round of talks will emphasise and fix on specific measures to fully implement the joint statement adopted by the six parties during the fourth round of talks in September, 2005," the Chinese chief negotiator said.

He stressed the issues to be discussed and settled during the fresh round of talks are complicated and sophisticated, adding parties concerned are shouldering a glorious and arduous mission.

"China sincerely hopes all the six parties exert political wisdom, come up with political determination and courage, and build a mutual-beneficial future while increasing mutual trust," he said.

He also urged parties concerned to make new contribution to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula, normalisation of diplomatic ties between relevant countries and building new structure for a harmonious northeast Asia.

After the opening ceremony, the six parties will hold a series of bilateral consultations this afternoon. Before the talks were officially launched, the six parties held a meeting between chief negotiators.