Obama to nominate Yellen as vice chairman of central bank: Source

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Janet Yellen would replace Donald Kohn, a 40-year veteran of the Fed who announced earlier this month that he would retire on June 23.

US president Barack Obama plans to nominate San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank president Janet Yellen, a respected policy dove, to be vice chairman of the central bank, a source familiar with the process said on Thursday.                                          

Yellen would replace Donald Kohn, a 40-year veteran of the Fed who announced earlier this month that he would retire on June 23. The nomination for the four-year term as the Fed's No. 2 would be subject to Senate approval.                                           

She is considered one of the most "dovish" members of the central bank's policymakers, meaning she is seen to lean toward policies that will boost growth and promote employment rather than those aimed at keeping inflation at bay.   

Yellen, reached by telephone, declined to comment, as did the US Treasury Department. The White House did not respond to requests for comment.

"The FOMC top brass is starting to look like the dream team," said Chris Rupkey of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, referring to the Fed''s interest rate-setting panel.      

"As bad as it looked to lose Fed Vice Chairman Kohn with his decades of experience, the FOMC is going to pick up where it left off with the experience and quiet wisdom," he said. Kohn's impending departure means that Obama has three seats to fill on the seven-member board of the US central bank.

The source said top candidates had been identified for each of the three spots, but all selections, including Yellen's, are subject to completion of a vetting process. The source said the administration also was vetting a number of other candidates in case any of its top picks fell through.                                           

Bloomberg, which first reported that Yellen was Obama's pick, cited a source as saying Sarah Bloom Raskin, the top banking regulator for the state of Maryland, was under consideration for one of the Fed board seats.                                          

Raskin, who has been Maryland''s commissioner of banking regulation, is a lawyer who previously worked at Promontory Financial Group, the Senate Banking Committee, and the New York Fed.

Yellen was chairwoman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers under President Bill Clinton between 1997 and 1999 and a Fed governor between 1994 and 1997.                                           

A top-flight economist, she has warned of "undesirably low" inflation and the prospect of a prolonged, sluggish recovery for the US economy.

"Even with my moderate growth forecast, the economy will be operating well below its potential for several years," Yellen said on Feb. 22. "If it were possible to take interest rates into negative territory I would be voting for that."                                           

Yellen's experience as a regional Fed president positions her well to bridge divides among the system's 12 banks around the country and the board in Washington.

Policymakers are currently split among those who think persistently high unemployment calls for a prolonged period of easy money and those who worry that Fed's massive cash infusion into the financial system poses a dangerous inflation risk if the Fed does not soon begin to pull back reserves. 

To forge a consensus, Yellen will have to set aside some of her most growth and employment friendly inclinations.  "Given the fact Yellen is seen as most dovish among FOMC members, the market is likely to think that the Fed may take more time until it decides to raise interest rates," said Yoshio Takahashi, a fixed-income strategist at Barclays Capital in Tokyo. 

However, she may step into the consensus building role expected of the vice chair, Takahashi said. Given the current popular backlash against banks after reckless lending triggered the worst financial crisis in generations, Obama's selections to the board are likely to be from outside the financial services industry.      

Among other names cited as possible candidates for the third vacancy are Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Peter Diamond, Harvard economists Jeremy Stein and David Scharfstein, and Johns Hopkins University economist Laurence Ball.