Palestinians claimed on Tuesday that they were close to a key number needed to force a historic vote on their bid for full membership of the United Nations, as the United States and Europe worked frantically behind the scenes to avoid a diplomatic showdown.Riyad al-Maliki, the foreign minister of the Palestinian Authority, said seven UN Security Council members had pledged to endorse an application for statehood.The support of nine of the 15 countries on the council would put the US in the uncomfortable position of using its veto, which it is entitled to as one of the five permanent members but wants to avoid, given the new mood in the Arab world and President Barack Obama's vocal support for the eventual outcome of a Palestinian state.Nigeria, Gabon and Bosnia have become unlikely kingmakers in one of the most explosive issues addressed at the UN for decades, with their votes being eagerly courted by the Palestinians and the Americans. All three countries are serving as non-permanent members of the council, which is empowered to welcome new countries into the 193-member world body."I hope that the United States will change its position and follow the majority of countries which want to support the Palestinian right to self-determination and an independent state," said Mr Maliki."One UN official said it was "high stakes stuff", adding: "There is a lot of talking going on and a lot of arms being twisted. This will probably go right down to the wire."Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, has promised to present the application for statehood on Friday when he addresses world leaders gathered for the UN's annual general assembly.He has argued that the Palestinians have no choice but to pursue nation status after peace talks with the Israelis aimed at creating a viable Palestinian state from the West Bank and Gaza collapsed last year.Only three states, the US, Germany and Colombia, have said they would oppose the Palestinian proposal. According to one official at the UN, the Palestinians already have eight votes, with Nigeria and Gabon already on board with Russia, China, South Africa, Brazil, Lebanon and India, leaving Bosnia as the effective casting vote. But assessments of current voting intentions vary.Britain, France and Portugal have not declared their intentions, but would probably vote no out of loyalty to the US. They hope to avoid a Security Council vote through efforts by the European Union and the Quartet mediation group on the Middle East to broker a compromise.The Quartet is working on a joint statement that would include an upgrading of the Palestinian Authority's status at the UN, a recognition of Israel as a "nation state for the Jewish people" and a time frame for resumed negotiations.Shortly before a meeting with Mr Abbas, William Hague, Britain's foreign secretary, admitted "no progress" had been made on the statement in the previous 24 hours. "We are all talking about how we can get the Israelis and Palestinians back into negotiations. That's the object of all the European Union countries," he said.Another possibility for compromise is that the Security Council would set up a committee to examine the merits of the Palestinian application, delaying a vote for weeks or even months while the two sides started talking again.The likelihood is however that after decades of conflict and occupation, the Palestinians will submit their request for statehood, despite threats from the US Congress to cut off funds and despite warnings that trouble could flare quickly on the ground.Jewish settlers marched through the northern West Bank in various locations on Tuesday in protest, throwing rocks at Palestinian homes and people."This is our land, and there will never be a Palestinian state on the homeland of the Jewish people," said Michael Ben Ari, the ultra-nationalist member of parliament who led a march in Beit El.