In a latest from the Ukraine war, Russia has carried out 26 airstrikes in the last 24 hours in Severodonetsk, Luhansk. During this, the Russian army fired 800 missiles in which 7 buildings have been damaged. Here, one person was killed and one was injured in the bombing of Kryvyi Rih in Dnipropetrovsk. Russian troops also attacked Chernihiv, in which 3 people were killed and 12 people were injured.


The Russian army also launched a missile attack on a grain warehouse in Kharkiv, in which a civilian was killed. Meanwhile, Russia on Wednesday claimed that it lost nearly an entire battalion while attempting to cross the Siverskyi Donets River that runs between the separatist-held region of Luhansk and the Donetsk region in Eastern Ukraine. The Russia Ukraine war is in its 11th week. 

Read | ‘If not you, then who?’: Ukrainian commander asks Tesla CEO Elon Musk for help amid Russian invasion

Big updates from Russia Ukraine war

1. The Ukrainian army destroyed 8 Russian tanks, 6 armored vehicles and 1 anti-aircraft system in the Donbas region a day ago.

2. A Ukrainian commander has requested Tesla CEO Elon Musk for help in evacuating people trapped in Mariupol in a tweet.

3. Ukraine claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin has suspended top commander General Valery Gerasimov while several other top officials have either been sacked or arrested.

4. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy claims Russia has destroyed 570 health centres and 101 hospitals in Ukraine since the start of the war. Ukraine's Operational Tactical Group says that they have killed 180 Russian soldiers in the eastern part of the country.

5. Finland has now fully made up its mind to join North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Finland will apply for NATO membership on next Monday.

6.  Russian government spokesman Dmitry Peshkov said Finland would face consequences if it joined NATO. Russia shares a 1340 km border with Finland.

7. British PM Boris Johnson has offered to help Sweden and Finland in the event of a Russian attack. Johnson says that Britain is in favor of giving Sweden membership of NATO. 

8. The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Thursday adopted a resolution on the deteriorating human rights situation in Ukraine. 33 out of 47 countries voted against Russia. 12 nations including India and Pakistan abstained from voting. China and Eritrea voted in support of Russia.

9. Mariupol Mayor Petro Andryushchenko has said that Russian troops have closed all the exits from the city. Only a few buildings there are in living conditions. Citizens remaining in the city are cooperating with Russian forces in exchange for food. On the other hand, Russian forces are strengthening their position in eastern Ukraine.

10. Japan and the European Union (EU) have agreed to increase sanctions against Russia. Leaders of both countries expressed concerns about the impact of the war in the Indo-Pacific region, where they want to increase cooperation, including strengthening mutual partnership, amid increasing Chinese penetration.