Countries across the world are putting sanctions on Russia in an effort to stop its invasion of Ukraine. And now Russia has become the most sanctioned country in the world, according to New York-based sanctions watchlist site, Castellum.AI 


Russia's number now outranks Iran's 3,616 sanctions, displacing Tehran from the top position, reports the BBC citing Castellum.AI as saying.

The site said that sanctions were first imposed by the US and its allies on Russia on February 22 a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the two Ukrainian rebel regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as "independent states".

It added that 2,754 sanctions were already in place against Russia before February 22 and 2,778 additional were imposed in the days following the assault, bringing the total to 5,532.

According to the site, the countries and regions targeting Russia with sanctions are Switzerland (568), the European Union (518), Canada (454), Australia (413), the US (243), the UK (35) and Japan (35).

Here's a list of the top 5 most sanctioned countries: 

Russia: After it invaded Ukraine, Russia has 5,532 sanctions against it. 

Iran: The West Asian country is at number two with 3,616 sanctions over its controversial nuclear program and alleged support of terrorism.

Syria: According to list, Syria has 2,608 sanctions against it. These sanctions, mostly economic, have been imposed by the European Union, US, Canada, Australia and Switzerland over the civil war.  

North Korea: The country has been under UN sanctions since 2006 over its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. North Korea has 2,077 sanctions against it.

Venezuela: The South American country has 651 sanctions against it, according to the list.  

(With agency inputs)