LOS ANGELES: Ten months after her whirlwind engagement to movie star Tom Cruise, actress Katie Holmes gave birth on Tuesday to the couple's first child, a girl they named Suri, their spokesman said.


Mother and daughter, who weighed in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces (3.4 kg) and measured 20 inches at birth, were both ‘doing well’ Cruise's publicist, Paul Bloch, said in a statement.   


The name Suri has its origins in Hebrew, meaning ‘princess’ or Persian, meaning ‘red rose,’ the statement said.


The birth of Cruise's first biological child came in the midst of a promotional campaign for his upcoming film ‘Mission: Impossible III’, which is due in theaters next month.   


The 43-year-old three-time Oscar nominee has two older children that he adopted during his marriage to actress Nicole Kidman -- 13-year-old Isabella and 11-year-old Connor.