A satirical ABC TV show depicting a fictional Australia Prime Minster Julia Gillard draped in an Australian flag after having sex on her office floor is facing sharp criticism.The scene shows actors playing the prime minister and her partner Tim Mathieson canoodling on the floor of the PM’s office, using the flag as a sheet.ABC has, however, defended the scene and the use of the flag.“If it’s OK for others to drape themselves in our flag for all manner of occasions, I really don’t see why it can’t be draped over our prime minister as a symbol of love,” News.com.au quoted a spokesman for the comedy as saying.But monarchist Professor David Flint said it showed a lack of respect.“This is probably going a bit far,” he said.“I think a bit more discretion when using the flag is appropriate, even when you are trying to make a joke.”Professor Flint said he watched the first episode of the series but had stopped tuning in because “it’s just not funny”.Gillard herself has laughed off controversy over the satire, but a government protocol officer said that the national flag should not “fall or lie on the ground or be used as a cover (although it can be used to cover a coffin at a funeral)”.