Adding on to a string of recent controversial statements of his, the Dalai Lama on Thursday said in a BBC interview that migrants and refugees entering Europe should ultimately "return to their own lands", insisting that "Europe is for Europeans".


The 83-year-old Tibetan leader was answering questions from journalist Rajini Vaidyanathan in a BBC interview at his Dharamshala residence. Regarding the pressing immigration issue in Europe, he said, "A limited number is okay, but whole Europe eventually become Muslim country? Or African country? Impossible!" he was quoted as saying.

He also added that the European continent should take in refugees, offer them education and training but eventually, the migrants should return to their native lands.

Netizens on social media took to Twitter regarding the Dalai Lama's remark.

The Tibetan spiritual leader had earlier in 2015 echoed similar thoughts on the matter when he said that "a refugee really facing danger against their life" should ideally be taken in by Europe as it was a "moral responsibility" to do so, but also the real aim should be to prepare the said refugees for "ultimately rebuilding their country."

In the recent BBC interview, he also went on to criticise US President Donald Trump regarding his handling of the immigrant situation, saying that America should take on a global responsibility to set an example in this regard but the President was a man with a "lack of moral principle".

The Buddhist leader had in the interview delivered more disputed statements like insisting that a female successor to the title of the Dalai Lama should be more 'attractive' since he believed that "beauty matters as much as brains".

The Dalai Lama resides in India after he fled his country post the 1959 Tibetan revolutions and set up the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), the government in exile at Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh.