
Watch: UNICEF's social experiment shows how people behave differently with rich and poor kids

United Nations Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) organised a social experiment on how differently people treat kids when they see poor as opposed to the rich.

For the social experiment, UNICEF dressed a 6-year-old child artist Anano, and put her alone on the street of Tbilisi, Georgia.

Initially, she was dressed in clean clothes so that she seemed to belong to a background of means. People seemed to take notice of her, they stopped and asked her if she was okay. One of the passersby even took his phone out to call and get her help.

The scene changed completely when Anano was given a bit more make up with some soot on her face and dirtier clothes. Nobody seemed to notice her, let alone offer assistance.

The experiment did not end here.

The scenario was repeated in a reputed restaurant as well. Upon seeing a 'poor' girl sitting at the table one of the guests even asked the staff to move her out of the hotel. This affected Anano so badly that the experiment had to be stopped.

Even then, the filmmakers succeeded in getting the point across. How people behave towards children depending on their attire is nothing short of appalling. When they are brushed aside, it marks their psyche for life.

There is an answer to this problem. Address the issue and invest in these children or let the societal divide get larger and wider.

