

Taking a dig at U. S. President Donald Trump?s tweet about discussing the establishment of a cyber security unit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, WikiLeaks proposed that its founder, Julian Assange, should lead the U. S. -Russian cyber security unit.

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Taking a dig at U.S. President Donald Trump?s tweet about discussing the establishment of a cyber security unit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, WikiLeaks proposed that its founder, Julian Assange, should lead the U.S.-Russian cyber security unit.

Giving an account of his meeting with Russian President, Trump tweeted earlier today, ?Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded...(sic).?

To this WikiLeaks tweeted, ?Why not put @JulianAssange in charge of it? He's trusted by the public and has the CIA's best stuff anyway,? according to the Hill.

Meanwhile, Trump?s tweet drew flak from many Twitter users with one saying, ?I mean, generally, people feel more secure if the people accused of the thing, aren't responsible for tidying up the thing. (sic)?

The meeting between Trump and Putin came amid controversy over collusion of Trump's campaign team with Russia. Trump and his administration are facing multiple investigations focussing on the Kremlin's role in the 2016 election meddling and whether members of his campaign possibly sought to collude with Russia.

A special counsel and several congressional committees are now looking into the issue.

Early Sunday, the U.S. President also said in his tweets that he 'strongly' pressed Russian President Vladimir Putin about Moscow's meddling in last year's presidential election, but the latter 'vehemently' denied.

Yesterday, Putin said his answers over Russia's alleged interference had satisfied Trump, following the two presidents' first face-to-face meeting on Friday.


(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

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