
Gym rats, read this!

Are you behaving like a ‘dumbell’ in the gym? Here’s some workout know-how!

Gym rats, read this!

Are you behaving like a ‘dumbell’ in the gym? Here’s some workout know-how!

Be a shoe-stopper
People spitting, cars spilling out engine oil and open drains — these are some of the common sights on Indian roads. Gym owner Leena Mogre says, “We may live in a gobalised world but road surfaces in India are still not clean.” So in this far-from-ideal situation, we suggest you get a pair of dedicated gym shoes. It should be in addition to the one you arrive in for your workout.

Know your mobile manners
For those trying to burn calories, obnoxious ringtones and needless chattering can be an irritant. Achala Sachdev, a gymgoer, feels, “Nothing is more irritating than that (using mobile phones in the gym).” So keep mobile phone usage to a minimum while you are in the gym. Even better, keep them switched off or at home.

Sweat’s not sweet
Always carry your own towel to the gym. There’s nothing worse than getting covered in someone else’s sweat. Also, in these times of swine flu being a health hazard to others, it will do you no good and make you unpopular too.

Learn to share
Don’t hog the equipment for yourself or grab weights while someone else is working out. Gym owner Madhuri Ruia says, “It is common courtesy to wait your turn.” Even if you’re in a hurry, occupy your time creatively with some other workout until your turn comes. Leena adds, “If you’re doing heavy weights, lay them softly on the floor instead of banging them — take the help of the squatter for that.”

Respect the trainer
If you treat trainers with respect, then you will be respected in turn. Treating a trainer as a paid servant is tantamount to giving them license to be negligent about your workout. Madhuri says, “Communicate clearly to your trainer your state of mind on that particular day. Accordingly they can tailor the workout for you.”

Don’t stare at others
At the gym if you find somebody fascinating or good-looking of the opposite sex, avoid staring at that person. There are other places — like the discotheque or the nightclub — where you could do that. Madhuri says, “Light-hearted flirting is fun in the gym or anywhere. Anything more than that defies etiquette.”

Speak softly
It’s polite to speak softly in the gym premises. Madhuri opines, “Chatting loudly with a friend and forming groups so that other people are isolated is a no-no. The aim ought to be to encourage and motivate everyone to exercise in a friendly manner.”

Reduce body odour
No one wants to be working out next to someone with a terrible body odour. Gym proprietor Deanne Pandey says, “Many people don’t realise that they have body odour. Taking regular showers and using a deodorant minimises that.” While Pandey’s fancy gym is cleaned practically every hour and offers free antibacterial hand sanitisers to clients, even gymgoers ought to do their bit to practice cleanliness.

Not music to the ears
Though you may like loud music on the gym speakers, don’t presume that everyone else might have the same taste. Deanne says, “Get your personal iPod or music stereo and blast it on our headphones.” That way you can also listen to the kind of music you want to instead of insisting on having the gym CD changed.

Don’t skip sessions
If you must cancel an appointment with your trainer, try to do so as much in advance as possible. While no trainer likes clients cancelling appointments, it may sometimes be a necessity especially if it is done with a genuine reason and not on a whim.

