
Scarlett Johansson urges politician to help pass Healthy School Meals Act

Actress Scarlett Johansson has urged a U.S. Congressman to help pass a new bill to promote healthy eating in American schools.

Scarlett Johansson urges politician to help pass Healthy School Meals Act

Actress Scarlett Johansson has urged a U.S. Congressman to help pass a new bill to promote healthy eating in American schools.

The Lost In Translation star shot off a letter California Congressman George Miller, seeking his support for the Healthy School Meals Act.
"I'm asking you to support the Healthy School Meals Act of 2010. It is our responsibility, as adults, to give school children the nutrients and vitamins they so vitally need, especially during school hours where their food intake may be monitored," The Daily Express quoted her as saying in the letter.

"I am so thankful that the National School Lunch Program (a scheme to give low-cost or free lunches to school children) exists and helps children around the nation get enough to eat. But right now, many of the foods served through this program do not support children's healthy development," she added.

