
Top six signs of high cholesterol on face that you must not ignore

High cholesterol often gets unnoticed until it turns severe. However, there are some indications of high cholesterol on your face which you should not neglect.

  • Meemansa Shekhawat
  • |
  • Sep 07, 2024, 11:03 AM IST

High cholesterol, which leads to several diseases related to cardiovascular functioning, often goes unnoticed until it turns serious. Here are some warning signs of high cholesterol reflected on you face. Let's take a look. 

1. Blemishes


Despite following a proper skincare regime, skin cells may become inflamed and break out easily due to high cholesterol levels. If you are experiencing such symptoms, it's time that you get your cholesterol levels checked. 

2. Small bumps on the face

Small bumps on the face

Small bumps on the face might be an indication of cholesterol deposits in the body, even if you are doing skincare on a regular basis. 

3. Yellow spots around the eyes

Yellow spots around the eyes

Yellow spots around the eyelids clearly indicate fat deposits in the body; these fat deposits, known as 'xanthelasma', are often considered as first sign of high cholesterol levels to reflect on your face. 

4. Change in skin texture

Change in skin texture

If you are experiencing a change in skin texture, it may be a sign of high cholesterol deposits in the body. It is advised to regularly monitor your cholesterol levels in such cases. 

5. Baggy eyes and dark circles

Baggy eyes and dark circles

In spite of a good sleep schedule, if you develop issues of baggy eyes and dark circles, it is a warning sign for you to get your cholesterol levels checked. Baggy eyes and dark circles are caused due to less blood flow, resulting from high cholesterol. 

6. Dry, itchy skin

Dry, itchy skin

Poor blood circulation to the skin caused by high cholesterol levels often affects the moisture nitrogen balance, leading to dry and itchy skin. 

