
Clomid PCT: How It Works, Dosage, And Comparison To Nolvadex

We are going to tell you everything you need to know to use Clomid PCT to relieve the drop in testosterone after a SARMs cycle.

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Clomid PCT: How It Works, Dosage, And Comparison To Nolvadex

We will cover exactly how Clomid works, and how it compares to Nolvadex. Then, we will talk you through the signals of testosterone drop so you can spot them. Although generic Clomid (clomiphene) is available from many sources, we will be talking about the quality of the clomiphene from Swiss Chems in this review.

So click here if you want to take a look at details and pricing of generic Clomid on Swiss Chems now.

We will cover Clomid PCT dosage, and cycle length. Plus, we’ll discuss whether you could, or should, use Clomid on cycle.

Most Clomid reviews don’t mention you don’t need it for some SARMs either, so we will tell you which ones don’t deplete testosterone levels, and also mention a natural PCT supplement alternative to Clomid and Nolvadex.

What Is Clomid & What Is It Actually Meant For?

Clomid is a brand name. The actual medication is called clomiphene. Clomiphene is an FDA authorized medication for use as an anti-estrogenic.

It’s main licensed use, just like Nolvadex (Tamoxifen), is to help women who are suffering from cancer, or those recovering from cancer, that need lower levels of estrogen.

It works as a SERM, a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator, by blocking estrogen at the estrogen receptor sites. Specifically, in the pituitary gland. By doing this, it stops the female sex hormone binding to those receptors, so it competes at the receptor site.

We’ll explain more later, but it not only stops the effects of estrogen in the body, but it also helps the body (male body) to increase production of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, both crucial to muscle growth.

So, when estrogen starts to increase in the body towards end of a SARMs cycle (androgenic SARMs), due to natural male testosterone production dropping, Clomid can block the effects of estrogen in the body, and allows higher production of androgens.

The Signals Of Testosterone Drop

How would you know if you actually needed to start PCT?

Well, you’re looking for the signals that your testosterone production levels have dropped.

These are what you need to look out for:

  • Depressed feelings
  • Feelings of lethargy
  • Less overall physical and mental energy
  • Lowered sex drive
  • Lower levels of sperm production
  • Decreasing gains
  • An overall apathy
  • Worse performance at the gym
  • Increasing body fat
  • Change in nipple tissue

This is because you have used androgenic SARMs. Androgenic SARMs fool the androgen receptors into thinking that there are high levels of androgens interacting with them, which send messages at those receptors telling the muscle tissue to grow, to cut fat, and increase the body’s energy output as if it had higher levels of testosterone.

The problem is that it also fools the body generally. Therefore, the body thinks it has too much testosterone and so it starts to cut down its own production.

So even though your body is reacting as if it got tons of testosterone, in reality it hasn’t. This not only starts to make you feel unwell, but it allows for the proliferation of estrogen, which makes the problem worse, especially as testosterone is increasingly converted into estrogen via aromatase.

>>>> Click Here To Buy Clomid And Other PCT Supplements<<<<

Not All SARMs Require The Use Of A PCT Supplement

The main androgenic SARMs are:

  • RAD-140 Testolone
  • LGD-4033 Ligandrol
  • S-3 Andarine
  • S-23
  • AC-262

However, as you can see, there are a lot of chemicals that you think of SARMs, which are not on that list.

These are SARMs related chemicals that are marketed with them, which are not actually agonists of the androgen receptors:

  • GW-501516 Cardarine
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic
  • MK-677 Ibutamoren

Then we also have Ostarine, and YK-11. Although Ostarine doesn’t really deplete testosterone, it is androgenic (it’s almost identical in structure to Andarine, but weaker).

So at high doses, Ostarine can be mildly androgenic and can mildly deplete testosterone levels.

Although YK-11 works as a myostatin inhibitor, it does also act as a partial agonist on the androgen receptor, and can slightly deplete testosterone production.

Clomid PCT Benefits For Bodybuilding

Using Clomid PCT can really help you if you are suffering from testosterone drop.

The benefits of using Clomid for bodybuilders are as follows:

  • Recovers Testosterone Levels
  • Increases Sperm Count And Sex Drive
  • Improves Mood And Determination
  • Can Start To Recover Gyno Symptoms

But, it’s not just about the benefits of bouncing your testosterone levels back.

Clomid also encourages higher production levels of LH (Luteinizing Hormone), and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), both of which are crucial androgens that help with testosterone, and muscle tissue development.

Clomid PCT Dosage & Cycle Length

When you start to notice the signs of testosterone drop, it’s time to get started with Clomid immediately.

You can take Clomid once or twice per day. In the beginning, you’ll probably want to hit it mostly first thing in the morning. But you could spread the dose out to twice per day after the first week for a more even daily dosage.

If you are going for a really aggressive Clomid PCT start, because you have significant testosterone drop or the signals of gyno (increasing male breast tissue), then a strong 100 mg per day dose is the way to go.

But don’t do this for more than a week. After a week, drop it to 75 mg, or even 50 mg, if possible.

After your first couple of weeks, you will be looking at a maximum dose of 50 mg for another couple of weeks, and then 25 mg for a couple of weeks after that.

So you slide the scale down over about 4 – 6 weeks, depending on how you feel, and how your testosterone levels bounce back.

Alternatively, you can use aggressive Clomid for the first couple of weeks, and then switch to a milder dose of Nolvadex.

>>>> Click Here To Buy Clomid And Other PCT Supplements<<<<

Clomid & Nolva PCT: Which Is Best?

Clomid reviews don’t usually tell you how it compares to Nolvadex PCT for potency and results.

That is really important. Clomid is definitely far more potent than Nolvadex. But, on the flipside, it has more side effects and problems related to it.

Clomid should be used when you have significant testosterone drop. You’ll know if you might get this if you are going to stack a lot of androgenic SARMs.

Nolvadex is milder, and it doesn’t help to boost FSH and FH production levels. It is purely a SERM.

Nolvadex also blocks receptor sites. It has a high affinity for doing this in breast tissue, which can make it slightly better for mild gyno symptoms.

But as a nuclear option for overall testosterone recovery, and blocking the overall issues with estrogen interaction in the male body, Clomid is the better option.

Mostly, though I would advise you always use Nolvadex if possible. Clomid is that last line of defense you can switch to if you need to really hit things hard.

Can You Use Clomid On Cycle?

You can use Clomid on cycle, but it is a strong SERM, and the confusion between androgenic SARMs and Clomid can cause problems in the balance of your hormones, making you feel very uneven.

If you are feeling the symptoms of testosterone drop, we would never advise you start Clomid on cycle.

Wouldn’t even advise you taper down your SARMs doses for more than one week. If it is feeling significant, then it’s time to stop the cycle of SARMs.

Stopping the cycle early, and hitting the Clomid hard and fast can mean you can recover and balance things out, and be ready to go again quicker (and with less potential for long term problems such as permanent testosterone production retardation).

Where To Buy Clomid For PCT

Hopefully  this Clomid review has been helpful. The final question is obviously where can I buy Clomid?

Swisschems is definitely the place to buy Clomid from. It’s high-purity generic clomiphene In capsule format.

Right now, 60 capsules (each dosed at 25 mg), costs just $69.95. That’s a really great price.

But Swiss Chems also sell generic Nolvadex (Tamoxifen), raloxifene, and even anastrozole.

In total, you can buy 11 different types of PCT supplement from Swiss Chems. It’s a great one-stop shop not only for PCT though, as they also sell really high quality SARMs and peptides in capsule format as well.




(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)

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