
5 side effects of drinking cold water

Drinking cold water can harm your health in many ways. It not only affects your digestion, it can also increase the problem of sinus.

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • Feb 18, 2022, 03:05 PM IST

Cold Water Drinking Side Effects: Many people quench their thirst by drinking cold water and they like to drink cold water from the fridge even in the winter season. If you also prefer to drink cold water in every season, then let us tell you that cold water can harm your health in many ways. It not only affects your digestion, it can also increase the problem of sinus. Drinking cold water can lower your pulse and heart rate and it can trigger if you already have a heart problem. Not only this, it also works to increase fat on your body. So let us know what are the side effects of drinking cold water.

1. Digestion problems

Digestion problems

Cold water affects the digestion system rapidly. If you drink cold water on a regular basis, then it makes it difficult to digest food and can cause problems like abdominal pain, nausea, constipation and flatulence. Actually, when we drink cold water, it does not match with the body temperature and reaches the body and makes it difficult to digest the food present in the stomach.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

2. Headache and Sinus

Headache and Sinus

Drinking too much cold can also cause the problem of 'brain freeze'. This happens due to excessive consumption of ice water or ice cream. In this, the cold water cools the sensitive nerves of the spine, due to which it affects the brain. For this reason, headache and sinus problems can also occur.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

3. Heart rate slow

Heart rate slow

There is a vagus nerve in our body which controls the heart, lungs and digestive system through the neck. If you drink too much cold water, it cools down the nerves rapidly and slows down the heart rate and pulse rate, which can lead to an emergency situation.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

4. Increase fat

Increase fat

Cold water makes the fat stored in your body harder, due to which there is a problem in burning fat. If you are thinking of losing weight, then stay away from cold water.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

5. Shocks your body

Shocks your body

Drinking chilled water after a strenuous work out should be strictly avoided. Many people make the mistake of drinking chilled water, especially during summer after work out. Your body generates a lot of heat when you work out. If you drink chilled water, there is a temperature mismatch which takes a toll on your digestive health. Your body also finds it difficult to absorb cold water after work out. Drinking chilled water right after work out may lead to chronic stomach pain as extremely cold water shocks your body.

(Image Source: Pixabay)


