
If you are suffering from motion sickness, then follow these home remedies

Whenever you go on a journey, you have problems like vomiting, dizziness or nausea. This problem is called motion sickness.

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • Feb 14, 2022, 05:05 PM IST

I happen to know a person who does not enjoy travelling. Surprised to hear that, aren't you? Actually like some, he too suffers from a rare condition called motion sickness. Motion sickness makes a person feel nauseated resulting in vomiting while travelling long distance in a bus, car or any other vehicle.

This actually spoils the whole fun of the journey and people with such symptoms often start avoiding travels. Buy hey, that's not the solution to the problem. Motion sickness is not a disease. Whenever you go on a journey, you have problems like vomiting, dizziness or nausea. This problem is called motion sickness.

When our brain receives different signals from the inner ear, eyes and skin, the central nervous system gets confused. By adopting some of the methods given below, you can get rid of the problem of motion sickness.

1. Do not read books while travelling

Do not read books while travelling

Some people are fond of reading books while traveling. This is a good habit but if you have problem of motion sickness, then you should avoid reading books while traveling. Reading books gives wrong signals to your brain due to which there may be problems like vomiting or nausea.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

2. Avoid travelling on empty stomach

Avoid travelling on empty stomach

Often people feel that travelling without eating and drinking will help them not vomit during journey. But their belief is absolutely wrong. During the journey, neither you should eat too much nor should you travel on an empty stomach.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

3. Do not sit in the back seat

Do not sit in the back seat

Always keep one thing in mind. If you are suffering from motion sickness then do not sit in the back seat in any big vehicle. By sitting in the back seat, we experience more speed, due to which our head gets dizzy and the problem of vomiting starts.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

4. Keep roasted clove powder

Keep roasted clove powder

To get rid of the problem of vomiting during travel, always keep the powder of roasted cloves with you. By licking this powder with a pinch of sugar or black salt will not cause vomiting.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

5. Chew basil leaves during the journey

Chew basil leaves during the journey

If you chew basil leaves (tulsi) during the journey, then you will not vomit. Also, put lemon-mint juice and black salt in a bottle. Keep drinking it little by little during the journey.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

6. Keep a lemon with you

Keep a lemon with you

Carry a ripe lemon with you during the journey. Whenever you feel uncomfortable, immediately smell the lemon peel. With this your mood will be fresh, as well as you can avoid vomiting.

(Image Source: Pixabay)



