
Ostarine And Cardarine Stack: Classic SARMs Stack Explained, Dosing, Cycling And Where To Buy

The classic Ostarine and Cardarine stack is the recommended best cutting stack by many. But how good is it, and why does it work well?

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Ostarine And Cardarine Stack: Classic SARMs Stack Explained, Dosing, Cycling And Where To Buy

I will explain how Ostarine and Cardarine work, and why they complement each other in a fat busting stack. I’ll explain the sort of results you can get, and the exact stack and dosing details you need.

Plus, I’ll explain how you can swap other SARMs in and out, which can help give you more options to make faster progress.

If you’d like to check out Ostarine and Cardarine before you get started, then these are great products to take a look at:

>>>>> Click Here To Visit Chemyo <<<<<


How Ostarine MK 2866 Works

Ostarine (alphanumeric name MK-2866), also known as Enobosarm, is the original and most mild selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM).

It works by mimicking the signals of testosterone in the body, selectively targeting muscle and bone tissue to interact with androgen receptors there.

It does this without the side effects and more body wide effects of things like anabolic steroids.

It was originally developed to help treat muscle wasting conditions, especially helping people who couldn’t manage a proper diet and were in a calorie deficit.

These are the main Ostarine effects in the body:

1. Preserves lean muscle mass and can even grow it:

Ostarine has a notable anti-catabolic effect, meaning that it can preserve muscle tissue even when the bodies in a calorie deficit and would usually start to eat into it to use for energy.

So it’s perfect for cutting, because it means your body can’t attack muscle mass so easily for calories, which it sometimes does to preserve its last fat reserves, and instead has to go after the fat for the energy demanded.

2. Improves fat oxidation:

Ostarine has been shown in studies to increase the rate of fat oxidation. In simple terms, it encourages the body to break down stored fat and use it as an energy source more readily than it otherwise would, even when you are not in a calorie deficit. So you will shred even if you are not cutting aggressively.

3. Improves muscle tone and aids recovery:

Because it targets muscle tissue telling it to grow harder and stronger, due to it mimicking the signals of testosterone, then muscle tissue responds as if it’s receiving those stronger signals.

You’ll benefit from harder and stronger muscle tone, faster recovery, and faster muscle repair.

How Cardarine GW 50156 Works

The second chemical in our simple but potent SARMs stack is called Cardarine, with the alphanumeric name GW-501516.

Cardarine primarily works by activating a receptor called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-delta (PPAR-delta). These receptors are found in various tissues throughout the body, including skeletal muscle and adipose tissue (that’s fat to you and me!).

When you take Cardarine orally, it binds to those PPAR-delta receptors and delivers several key benefits.

1. Enhanced Endurance:

Cardarine has a reputation for boosting endurance. In animal studies, mice treated with Cardarine were able to run longer distances compared to the control group. So, if you’re looking to improve your stamina during workouts or any physical activity, Cardarine might be your secret weapon.

For obvious reasons it is banned by all sporting bodies, but was four years secretly referred to as “energy in a bottle”, because of how it delivers so much additional energy.

2. Fat Loss:

Here’s where Cardarine gets interesting, and the fat loss benefits are linked to the enhanced endurance, so the two things deliver the positive simultaneously.

By activating PPAR-delta, Cardarine stimulates the expression of genes involved in energy expenditure and fat metabolism. So, it encourages your body to use stored fat as an energy source.

Not only do you get more energy, because you have fatty acid energy as well as glucose energy, but it’s burning higher rates of body fat faster, and sooner, than you could achieve naturally.

3. Cardiovascular Health:

Beyond endurance and fat loss, Cardarine seems to have potential benefits for your heart. Some initial animal research suggests that it may improve lipid profiles by increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels and reducing triglycerides.

In layman’s terms, it increases levels of good cholesterol, and attacks levels of bad cholesterol.

As you can see, Cardarine isn’t a SARM at all. It works completely differently in the body, and doesn’t target androgen receptors. Therefore, it doesn’t deplete natural testosterone production.

This is also the case with several other research chemicals routinely called SARMs. SR-9009, MK-677 and YK-11 are all very popular bodybuilding chemicals that are not androgenic, so none of them deplete testosterone either.

Is There A Stronger Version Of SARM Ostarine?

There is a stronger version of Ostarine, a later development called S-4 Andarine. It’s far more potent in its muscle building and fat cutting ability, but it’s also very suppressive of natural testosterone production.

If you want to sculpt, harden, and grow your muscle tone, even in a slight calorie deficit, then Andarine could be swapped in instead of Ostarine, but you must use a strong PCT supplement to bounce back post cycle.

Remember though, most people mentioning stacking Ostarine talk about doses of up to around 30 mg, but 60 mg is routinely taken by some people without any side effects.

So before you look for a stronger SARM than Ostarine, and the potential for suppressing your testosterone, it’s best to first experiment with higher doses of Ostarine.

What’s The Best Alternative Is Cardarine?

I’ve already mentioned SR-9009. It’s another chemical that is lumped in with SARMs, but also isn’t one either.

But SR-9009 (Stenabolic) is a significant energy booster, and works similarly to Cardarine in the body.

It is also a partial PPAR Delta agonist, but in addition, it is a Rev-Erb-alpha agonist as well, meaning it interacts with our circadian rhythm.

In doing both of these things, it ticks up our metabolism, burning more fat, and making more energy available.

It also boosts mitochondria count within skeletal muscle tissue, sustaining a higher metabolic rate when we work out. Basically, you’ll get more energy into your muscle tissue, allowing yourself to be pushed harder, and to recover faster.

So as you can see, SR-9009 is similar to Cardarine, but also works dually, and could actually be a better alternative, although I don’t think it’s as good at prioritizing the burning of body fat as Cardarine is.

Why Is The Ostarine And Cardarine SARMs Stack So Effective?

The Ostarine and Cardarine stack is so effective because it has the following great bodybuilding benefits:

  • Mild and accessible to all, even beginners
  • Great for women and men
  • Protects muscle mass in a calorie deficit
  • Burns fat faster than can be achieved naturally
  • Hardens muscle tone
  • Aids recovery

Both Cardarine and Ostarine promote faster fat burning than can be achieved naturally. In a slight calorie deficit of around 200 cal per day or so, you will burn twice as much fat as you ever could using natural bodybuilding and supplements alone.

On top of that, you’ll have a significant increase in energy levels. You’ll be able to work out harder and longer, building strength and endurance, toning up, and obviously cutting even more fat.

Plus, if the dose of Cardarine is strong enough, then you’ll get significantly harder muscle tone as well as protecting it during a cut.

Ostarine And Cardarine Stack: How To Construct It And Dose It

The classic Ostarine and Cardarine stack is pretty straightforward:

  • 10 – 30 mg Ostarine daily
  • 10 – 20 mg Cardarine daily
  • 10 week cycle
  • No PCT required

That’s it, it’s that simple to do, it won’t deplete your testosterone supply if you are a male. It will burn a ton of fat, strengthen you, and build your endurance.

What you can do though is to swap out the Ostarine for Andarine, or if you don’t want to do that because of the testosterone drop, increase the dose Ostarine instead. I wouldn’t go above 40 or 50 mg per day though.

I wouldn’t go above 20 mg per day of Cardarine either. You could supplement it with SR-9009. Or you could swap it out for about 20 mg of that instead.

I’d start with the classic Cardarine and Ostarine stack, and then experiment with your dosage, and once you reach the ceilings I’ve mentioned in the stack bullet points, you can either increase one or the other to experiment, or swap them out with Andarine or Stenabolic.

Ostarine & Cardarine Stack Cycle Length

A doses of 30 mg or below, Ostarine can be run pretty much indefinitely, but I wouldn’t go more than 12 weeks. I’d stick to 10 weeks, and do myself, because it’s sensible to do so. Your body needs a break from these chemicals, and you need to see how you reacted to them.

The stronger the dose, the shorter the cycle should be. If you hit 50 mg of Ostarine per day, I’d go for an eight week cycle instead, but you really want to burn as many calories as you can, so lower doses and longer cycles actually work in your favor here.

Remember that you could swap Ostarine for Andarine, but that it’s far more suppressive to testosterone production, and you may need a shorter cycle in order to make sure that the suppression doesn’t overwhelm you.

Overall, the classic Ostarine and Cardarine stack seems to work best, just tweak your doses and you can run a long cycle to really take your endurance, strength levels, fat cutting, and muscle hardening up a complete level with ease.

Using Cardarine On Its Own

If you don’t want to stack various SARMs, then you could tissue Cardarine on its own to give you significant increases in energy, and cut fat faster.

You won’t get the muscle protection though, so be aware that if you are in a calorie deficit for many weeks, it will start to lose your tone.

On its own, around 15 mg per day of Cardarine will work wonders.

Completing A Solo Ostarine Cycle

You can also use Ostarine on its own. You’ll get better fat cutting ability than can be achieved naturally, and you’ll protect your muscle mass in a calorie deficit.

In a slight calorie surplus, you’ll still burn body fat, while also slightly building and hardening your muscle tone.

To cut fat and protect muscle, use up to 30 mg, and go up to around 50 mg (but taper it up don’t go all the way straightaway) if you want to slightly build and hard muscle in a calorie surplus.

Here’s What To Do If Ostarine Depletes Testosterone Levels

Ostarine at high doses of 50 mg or above definitely could start deplete your testosterone levels, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

It’s a genuine SARM, the original one, that is an agonist of androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue.

If you do start to get signals of testosterone drop, then you should cut the dose, or even stop the cycle and move straight to PCT.

PCT supplements will bounce your testosterone levels back rapidly, but make sure you are reacting as soon as you notice the signals of testosterone drop.

Where To Buy Ostarine & Cardarine

The best place to buy SARMs right now is a company called

High purity, low prices, and 50 mL bottles rather than the usual 30 mL bottles means you get more SARMs your cash.

Prices are good, so let’s cut to the chase and show you Ostarine and Cardarine now:

Chemyo 50 mL Cardarine (dosed at 10 mg/mL) $59.99

Chemyo 50 mL Ostarine (dosed at 25 mg/mL) $69.99


I also mentioned earlier you might need PCT if use high doses of Ostarine, or you switch it out for Andarine.

Swiss Chems are the place to get PCT supplements from. They sell Nolvadex (Tamoxifen), Clomid (clomiphene citrate), and various aromatase inhibitors such as anastrozole.

Click here to see the Swiss Chems range of PCT supplements.




(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)

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