
7 historical myths that were thought to be facts for centuries

Here are seven historical myths that were widely believed for centuries but have since been debunked:

  • Pravrajya Suruchi
  • |
  • Aug 24, 2024, 08:39 AM IST

These myths, while widely believed for centuries, highlight the importance of critical thinking and historical research. As our understanding of history evolves, it's essential to question and challenge long-held assumptions.

1. Salem witch trials resulted in mass burnings

Salem witch trials resulted in mass burnings

While the Salem Witch Trials were a dark chapter in American history, only 19 people were executed, and most of them were hanged, not burned at the stake. The image of mass burnings likely comes from folklore and dramatic depictions.

2. Christopher Columbus believed the Earth was flat

Christopher Columbus believed the Earth was flat

While Columbus was a bold explorer, he was well aware that the Earth was spherical. The myth likely stems from a misunderstanding of the prevailing beliefs of his time.

3. Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon with a single coin

Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon with a single coin

he phrase "crossing the Rubicon" refers to a point of no return, but there's no historical evidence that Julius Caesar did so with a single coin. This detail is likely a dramatization.

4. Vikings Wore Horns on Their Helmets

Vikings Wore Horns on Their Helmets

While Vikings were fierce warriors, there's no archaeological evidence to suggest they adorned their helmets with horns. This image likely stems from theatrical productions and popular culture.

5. George Washington had wooden teeth

George Washington had wooden teeth

It's a popular belief that George Washington's dentures were made of wood. In reality, they were likely made from a combination of human, animal, and ivory teeth, as well as hippopotamus ivory.

6. Marie Antoinette said "Let Them Eat Cake"

Marie Antoinette said

This infamous quote is attributed to Marie Antoinette during the French Revolution. However, there's no concrete historical evidence to support it. It's believed to be a misinterpretation or a fabrication.

7. The Great Wall of China is visible from space

The Great Wall of China is visible from space

While the Great Wall is a remarkable engineering feat, it's not visible from space with the naked eye. The myth likely stems from exaggerated accounts and the wall's impressive length.

