
8 amazing images of distant galaxies by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope

These pictures of the distant universe provide valuable insights into the early stages of galaxy formation and the dynamic forces shaping the cosmos.

  • Shweta Singh
  • |
  • Sep 22, 2024, 06:42 PM IST

Distant galaxies, captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, showcase the vast and mysterious universe beyond our reach. These galaxies, billions of light-years away, reveal intricate structures, including spiral arms, glowing star clusters, and vibrant nebulae. Hubble's high-resolution images offer a unique perspective, allowing scientists to study the formation, evolution, and composition of these cosmic giants. These snapshots of the distant universe provide valuable insights into the early stages of galaxy formation and the dynamic forces shaping the cosmos.


1. Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)

Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)

The image shows the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a small nearby galaxy orbiting our home galaxy, the Milky Way. It captures the beautiful stars glowing among the oceanic turquoise plumes.


2. Centaurus A

Centaurus A

The Centaurus A galaxy, also known as NGC 5128, is famous for its dark and dusty dramatic material. This composite view shows ultraviolet light emitted by young stars and near-infrared light details between the dark dust.


3. Galaxy NGC 4826

Galaxy NGC 4826

The photo captured by Hubble shows NGC 4826, a spiral galaxy about 17 million light-years away. It is often called the "Black Eye", or “Evil Eye” because of the dark dust band on one side of its vibrant nucleus.


4. Messier 82

Messier 82

This sharpest image of Messier 82 captured by Hubble shows flame-like clouds streaking out of the centre. New stars are being born in this magnificent starburst galaxy much faster than in our galaxy.


5. Whirlpool Galaxy M51

Whirlpool Galaxy M51

Whirlpool Galaxy M51, also called NGC 5194, is a spiral galaxy located about 25 million light-years away. It features two curving arms where young stars reside.


6. Galaxy NGC 2525

Galaxy NGC 2525

Located nearly 70 million light-years from Earth, galaxy NGC 2525 contains a supermassive black hole at the heart of it and is part of the Puppis constellation.


7. Antennae Galaxies

Antennae Galaxies

The Antennae Galaxies consist of NGC 4038 and NGC 4039, a star-forming region between the pink and blue clouds. The galaxies once used to be spiral galaxies but were bound together after a violent clash.


8. Galaxy NGC 1792

Galaxy NGC 1792

This view of NGC 1792 shows an orange glow radiating from its centre, where older, cooler stars reside. The vast blue young, hot stars reside between the dark dust.


