
How was universe created as per Hinduism?

Hinduism describes the universe as part of a vast cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction, involving the roles of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, with various mythological accounts explaining its origins.

  • Pravrajya Suruchi
  • |
  • Sep 23, 2024, 09:29 PM IST

Hindu cosmology presents a rich tapestry of beliefs regarding the origins and nature of the universe. Unlike a singular creation story, Hinduism encompasses a series of narratives that illustrate the continuous cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction, emphasizing the roles of key deities such as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. These accounts not only reflect the complexity of the cosmos but also invite deeper philosophical exploration of existence and the divine.


1. Hindu Cosmology Overview

Hindu Cosmology Overview

In Hinduism, the universe is seen as millions of years old and part of a never-ending cycle of creation, existence, and destruction. Various stories and beliefs explain how it came into being.


2. Role of Brahma

Role of Brahma

Brahma is regarded as the creator god who fashioned the universe from himself. He starts the cycle of creation, allowing the universe to regenerate continuously.


3. Preservation by Vishnu

Preservation by Vishnu

After creation, the task of preserving the universe falls to Vishnu. His role is crucial for ensuring the continuity of life and maintaining order within the cosmos.


4. Destruction by Shiva

Destruction by Shiva

Shiva is responsible for the eventual destruction of the universe. This destruction is viewed as a necessary part of the cycle, making way for Brahma to recreate the universe anew.


5. Mythological Accounts

Mythological Accounts

Several stories explain the origins of the universe. One tale tells of a lotus flower emerging from Vishnu’s navel, from which Brahma creates the heavens, Earth, and sky. Another account describes Brahma splitting himself into male and female to generate all living beings.


6. Cosmic Egg Theory

Cosmic Egg Theory

One narrative suggests that life began when a cosmic egg cracked, symbolizing the birth of the universe.


7. Philosophical Perspectives

Philosophical Perspectives

The Hymn of Creation from the Rig Veda reflects on the mystery of the universe’s origins, even questioning whether Brahman fully understands it. Many Hindus view these stories as metaphors for the universe’s complexity rather than literal scientific explanations, aligning with beliefs in eternal cycles and reincarnation.


