
This is world's smallest tiger, darker than Royal Bengal tiger, is found in...

In a rare incident after two decades, a Sumatran tiger cub has been welcomed into the world at the Louisville Zoo. Born officially at 7:40 p.m. on July 23, 2024, the cub is the offspring of 16-year-old Kami Sambal and 14-year-old Jingga.

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This is world's smallest tiger, darker than Royal Bengal tiger, is found in...


In a rare incident after two decades, a Sumatran tiger cub has been welcomed into the world at the Louisville Zoo. Born officially at 7:40 p.m. on July 23, 2024, the cub is the offspring of 16-year-old Kami Sambal and 14-year-old Jingga.

Reports from the zoo indicate that both mother and cub are thriving, with Jingga displaying all the characteristics of a seasoned mother. Currently, the zoo has chosen to keep the cub out of the public eye to facilitate bonding time with its mother. Visitors are encouraged to stay updated on the cub's progress and witness its early days through the Tiger Cub Cam.

The Zoo is set to reveal plans for public viewing shortly.

The most recent Sumatran tiger cubs born at the Zoo were Leela, Jai, and Mohan back in April 2004. Following this, two Siberian cubs, Irisa and Anya, arrived later the same year in October.

Expressing his enthusiasm, Louisville Zoo Director Dan Maloney shared, “It’s been a significant time since our Zoo has embraced a tiger cub into our family, and we are all thrilled by the arrival of this rare and endangered addition.” He praised the efforts of the Islands and Animal Health teams and welcomed the community to join in celebrating the cub's growth and development.

An upcoming naming competition will be announced in the upcoming weeks for the public to participate in.

Meanwhile, Sumatran tigers are darker than Royal Bengal tigers and they are good in swimming and climbing both. Their lifespan is around 15 years and they usually feast on large mammels, espically deer and wild pig.

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