Apr 15, 2023, 04:28 AM IST

5 exercises to boost brain function and memory

Divyam Dubey

Get up and go

Memory loss and other cognitive issues have been linked to inactivity. You may lessen the odds of these effects by doing out regularly.

Breath training

The mental and physical advantages of practising deep breathing are many. It may relax, boost muscular function, reduce blood pressure, manage heart rate, and raise blood oxygen levels. 


Dancing is one of the finest ways to boost your happiness and mental wellness. 


There's no need to get all worked up and sweaty at the gym if you want to boost your mental fitness. Squats are a great at-home option for this. 

Aerobic training

Activities like swimming, leaping, walking, and cycling all count as aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise is well-known for its beneficial effects on mental ageing.