Jun 3, 2024, 12:59 PM IST

9 benefits of sleeping before 10 pm

Prachi Prakhar

Improved sleep quality:  Sleeping before 10 pm ensures your body to align with its natural circadian rhythm, resulting better sleep quality.

Enhanced mental health:  A good amount of sleep can improve your mental health by reducing stress and improving mood.

Better hormone regulation:  Adequate sleep can help to regulate hormones which are essential for health. 

Increased energy levels:  Getting adequate rest allows your body to recharge completely, leading to increased energy level throughout the day.

Enhanced memory and cognitive function: According to studies, people who get enough sleep have better memory and cognitive function.

Improved physical health:  Sleeping before 10 pm can improve your physical health by giving time to repair your body and heal itself.

Youthful skin and appearance:  Early bedtime ensures for optimal skin generation and repair, resulting in a healthier and youthful complexion. 

Stronger immune system:  Sufficient rest is important for immune system to function effectively, sleeping early boost your immune defences which makes you less susceptible to illnesses.

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Enhanced emotional well-being:  Early sleeping can reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression by providing emotional stability.