Oct 28, 2023, 02:28 PM IST

9 Health benefits of papaya leaves


Papaya leaves are full of phytochemicals, including flavonoids and alkaloids, which help the liver in processing and eliminating toxins from our body. Papaya leaves are commonly taken in extract, tea or juice forms and also as dietary supplements. 

Treating dengue fever: Papaya leaf extract contains bio-active compounds that can increase platelet production and reduce inflammation.

Malaria: Papaya leaf contains a compound named – acetogenin that prevents diseases like malaria or dengue.

Papaya leaves juice can aide in weight loss

Helps in digestion: A glass of papaya leaf juice daily can prevent many digestive problems such as constipation and indigestion.

Eases mentrual/period pain: Papaya leaves and seeds help to ease these symptoms by reducing the contractions of the uterus. 

Boosts immunity: In Ayurveda, papaya leaves have been classified as “rasayana” ayurvedic herb which is said to possess properties like antiaging, preserving youthfulness, strengthening life and increases immunity.

Diabetes control: Papaya leaves contain dietary fibers that can help lower cholesterol levels and maintain blood sugar levels. 

Skin health: Enzymes in papaya leaves can act as an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells, prevent acne and minimize the appearance of scars.

May help in hair growth: Papaya leaf is often used topically to encourage hair growth and support scalp health.

This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Photos: Freepik