Oct 31, 2023, 08:15 AM IST

Dental Health: Superfoods for strong teeth


The food you eat plays an important role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Some of these superfoods not only provide essential nutrients for your body but also enhance your oral health.

You cannot target fat loss in specific areas. Fat loss occurs all over the body through a combination of diet and exercise.


Leafy greens can help strengthen teeth and gums as they are high in vitamins and minerals, and low in calories.

Leafy Greens

Carrots contain Vitamin A, which can help strengthen teeth by promoting healthy enamel. 


Cheese not only has high levels of phosphate and calcium, which naturally strengthen teeth and bones, but also helps balance the pH level in your mouth.


 Green tea can fight the bacteria that cause cavities. It can also change the chemistry of your saliva, neutralizing bacterial acids and lowering acidity.

Green Tea

Almonds provide calcium and protein to strengthen your enamel and they are low in sugar which helps to reduce the production of plaque acids over time.


Eating raw onions can strengthen the teeth and kill off harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Onions for strong teeth

Raisins contain five phytochemicals, plant antioxidants including oleanolic acids which help to stop the growth of bacteria that causes dental caries.


This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.