Jul 7, 2024, 02:59 PM IST

9 tips to prevent skin problems in Diabetes

Sonali Sharma

Regular medication, exercise, and a controlled diet to keep diabetes under control can help control most skin problems

Keep your skin clean and dry, especially in problem areas such as underarms, under the breasts, between toes, and around the groin area.

Do not take really hot showers or baths. Bathe twice in hot, muggy weather to cut down on perspiration and lower the risk of infection

Moisturise your skin twice a day. If your skin is dry, use moisturiser all over your body because dry skin can lead to allergic responses

Skin and other extremity-related disorders are more common in diabetics. Every day, look for cuts and sores on them. Put on wide, flat shoes that fit properly

Apply antibiotic ointment on cuts and wounds immediately.

Wear an SPF 40 sunscreen every day. Sunscreen will protect your skin from sun damage and its harmful effects

Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated and include foods such as cinnamon, jamun, aloe vera, berries, tomatoes, amla, curd, lemongrass, etc. in your diet

In the shower, use a moisturising soap and lukewarm water

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.