Dec 14, 2023, 07:28 AM IST

Heart Disease: Lesser-known symptoms that appear at night


Heart disease, a leading global cause of death, operates silently, necessitating awareness and timely diagnosis.

Night-time chest discomfort, sometimes mistaken for indigestion, could indicate angina or coronary artery disease.

Night-time discomfort

Sleep apnea, marked by breathing pauses during sleep, is strongly linked to heart conditions.

Sleep apnea

Unexplained night sweats may suggest heart disease, possibly due to a blockage or weakened heart muscle.

Night sweats

Frequent urination, not solely related to diabetes or infections, may also signal heart failure.

Frequent urination

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) has been associated with heart disease, particularly in women.

Restless leg syndrome

Nocturnal breathlessness, experienced upon waking up, may signal heart failure or arrhythmias.

Nocturnal breathlessness

Elevated pulse rate during night rest, especially when consistent, might point to potential issues with the heart's electrical system.

Elevated pulse rate

Regular monitoring and prompt medical consultation are crucial for early detection and management of heart-related concerns. This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.