Nov 11, 2023, 03:52 PM IST

Herbs to boost your lung health


Astragalus is a herb used in Chinese traditional medicine for strengthening and lubricating the lungs and bolstering the immune system. 


Pippali works well in treating common respiratory problems and works as a counter-irritant and lessen inflammation, clears the mucus and nasal congestion.

Pippali or Long Pepper 

Licorice root or mulethi is an effective herbal supplement that functions to secrete healthy mucus and releases the phlegm and clears the nasal passage. 

Licorice or mulethi

Oregan contains two natural decongestants and antihistamines that can help improve lung health


Kalmegh also helps to boost immunity and is used to manage the symptoms of the common cold, sinusitis and allergies due to its antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties.


Vasaka helps a person breathe easier and is especially beneficial for those experiencing asthma and bronchitis. 


Eucalyptus can be a natural decongestant and expectorant.


Turmeric can help minimize inflammation in the lungs and prevent cancer 


This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.