Aug 9, 2023, 12:55 PM IST

Natural Antibiotics:  7 foods that fight bacteria


Antibiotics in nature

Discovery of antibiotics is one of the great medical feats helping save countless lives since 1940s. But there are also some antibiotics present in nature. Here are top foods with antibacterial properties:

Antibiotics in nature

A common ingredient in India and widely used around the world, garlic has been found effective against bacteria including E. coli and Salmonella, and given consideration against multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (TB).


Honey has been used for years to help keep infection away and heal wounds due to its hydrogen peroxide content. It can help in treating burns, sores, skin grafts, ulcers and is found effective against bacteria like MRSA.


Ginger’s natural antibiotic properties are recognized by science. A 2017 study found it fights several bacteria strains. Its use is being experimented in lowering blood sugar and treating nausea. 


Used for years in dental medicine, research says clove water extract can be effective against different types of bacteria. This includes E. coli.


Oregano is considered among the natural antibiotics that are most effective, specifically when used in oil form. 


Echinacea is used to treat wounds and infections and fight inflammation. First users are said to be native American and other traditional healers. Its extract can kill different types of bacteria including one that can cause the “flesh-eating disease”. 


Goldenseal can treat respiratory and digestive problems and also fight bacterial diarrhoea and urinary tract infections (UTI), and skin infections. It;s antibiotic component berberine is unsafe for pregnant women and infants. 

Natural Antibiotics FAQs

Can they replace prescription antibiotics? These natural antibiotics can be beneficial when consumed in a balanced died but should not be used to replace prescription antibiotics.  Risks? More research and testing is needed despite these foods used as antibiotic remedies for many years. Discuss amounts, form of consumption with practitioners.