Jun 4, 2024, 04:12 PM IST

Natural remedies for tackling hyperpigmentation

Prachi Prakhar

Melanin pigment is responsible for imparting colour to your skin, when is overproduced in certain areas then it leads to hyperpigmentation. Swipe to know about some natural ways.

Aloe vera gel:  It is used to cure many skin conditions, and help in reduction of hyperpigmentation. It has aloesin, an active ingredient which prevent from excess melanin production.

Green Tea:  It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which causes skin lightening effects and also effective in handling hyperpigmentation issue.

Soy:  Soybean is beneficial in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation due to acne, also it is effective in photodamage.

Rice water:  For dealing with hyperpigmentation, rice water is considered as one of the essential ingredient which is used in several Asian skin treatments.

Turmeric:  Turmeric is the choice of every home, in the matter of hyperpigmentation. You can use it by making face mask.

Pomogranate:  You can use it by preparing an exfoliating mask for hyperpigmentation, but make sure to massage gently as it might irritate your skin.

Grape seed oil:  Oil which is obtained from grape seed are rich in vitamin E and C, potent antioxidants which are useful for dealing with hyperpigmentation.

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Opt for medical help:  When you notice some symptoms like this- Red skin, Itchy skin, Painful skin, Bleeding or pus discharge from the area of hyperpigmentation