Jan 8, 2024, 02:40 PM IST

Signs that show you are super stressed

Khushi Patel

These can include changes in appetite (eating too much or too little), back or neck pain, tense muscles, and frequent headaches

Physical symptoms

Stress may manifest as feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, irritability, or frequent mood swings

Emotional changes

Stress can interfere with your sleep patterns and cause difficulty getting asleep, staying asleep, or having restless sleep

Sleep disturbances

Feeling worn out all the time or even after getting a full night's sleep could be a sign of elevated stress levels


Stress can make it difficult to concentrate, which might result in blunders, forgetfulness, or a scatterbrained sensation

Difficult to concentrate

Anxious behaviours such as chewing one's nails, pacing, fidgeting, or abusing alcohol or smoke more frequently might be signs of stress

Behaviour changes

Indicators of stress include the desire to withdraw from social situations, feel the need to isolate oneself, or stop engaging in once-enjoyable hobbies

Social disengagement

Stress can impair immunity, increasing your risk of recurrent infections, colds, and other ailments

Physical illnesses

This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion