Jul 3, 2024, 04:40 PM IST

Wearing tight bra causes breast cancer?

Pravrajya Suruchi

There is no scientific evidence that supports the claim that wearing a tight bra can cause breast cancer. 

The myth that tight bras cause breast cancer likely originated from misconceptions about how bras impact breast tissue. It is important to rely on credible sources and scientific research rather than myths.

The myth that tight bras cause breast cancer likely originated from misconceptions about how bras impact breast tissue. It is important to rely on credible sources and scientific research rather than myths.

The primary risk factors for breast cancer include genetics, age, family history, and lifestyle factors such as diet, alcohol consumption, and physical activity, not clothing choices like wearing tight bras.

While a tight bra may cause discomfort or restrict circulation to some extent, it does not cause breast cancer. Issues like skin irritation or discomfort are possible, but they are not related to cancer development.

Some myths suggest that tight bras block lymphatic drainage, leading to toxin buildup and cancer. However, this theory is not supported by scientific research. 

Wearing a well-fitting bra is important for comfort and support. A tight bra can cause discomfort, pain, and potential skin issues, but it does not increase cancer risk.

Medical experts and cancer organizations, including the American Cancer Society, have stated that there is no connection between wearing a bra (tight or otherwise) and the risk of developing breast cancer.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports