Jun 27, 2024, 04:35 PM IST

 Most expensive cheese in world

Shweta Singh

Great cheese, like couture, requires top ingredients, intense care, and time. This meticulous process justifies the high prices with unique, unparalleled flavors.

I tasted El Teyedu, a Cabrales cheese from Spain aged in a mountain cave. In 2023, a 4.8-pound wheel sold for 30,000 euros, showing the value of quality cheese-making.

Pule cheese from the Zasavica Donkey Reserve in Serbia is the priciest non-auction cheese, at around $600 per pound, compared to Parmigiano Reggiano’s $15-$25 per pound.

Pule cheese uses rare donkey milk from 120 Balkan donkeys, an endangered breed. The limited milk production contributes to the cheese's exclusivity and high cost.

Pule cheese is made with 60% donkey milk, 40% goat milk, and a secret recipe. Each donkey produces only 1.5 to 2 liters per day, requiring manual milking three times daily.

Pule cheese is aged for a month in 50-gram molds, resulting in a flavor richer than manchego. Its soft, crumbly texture and unique milk composition create a nuanced sour tang.

Donkey milk in pule cheese has 1% fat and 60 times more Vitamin C than cow's milk. This influences the distinctive flavor and contributes to its premium price.

To taste pule, visit the Zasavica Donkey Reserve in Serbia or order online from the reserve. This investment offers a unique cheese experience and supports rare breed preservation.